
Showing posts from August, 2023

Trimble Dentist - Implant Dentistry Eau Claire

Dental implants are designed to restore a person's tooth function as well as their overall appearance. There are a few options when it comes to dental implants in Eau Claire. These include a single tooth dental implant, an implant supported bridge and then the implant supported dentures. Benefits of Implant Dentistry Eau Claire Dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone to build up the foundation for a tooth and to replace missing teeth. This can effectively ensure that the contour and fullness of the patient's face maintains a healthy appearance, instead of creating a sunken appearance that is often associated with missing teeth. This also helps preserve the health of the surrounding gums and bone and stabilizes adjacent teeth. Implant Teeth Eau Claire Dental implant systems include a dental implant that is attached via a screw. The implant stays in place because it is inserted into the jawbone, via the screw, thus serving the role of the tooth’s root that is missing

What Should You Know Before Getting Implants?

When it comes to implant dentistry Eau Claire Periodontics is the leading provider for patients who need implants in Eau Claire WI. If you're missing a tooth or have multiple missing teeth, you could be a good candidate for dental implants. The more you know about this popular type of prosthetic tooth, the easier it will be for you to decide if implants are right for you. What Are Implants? A dental implant is a type of prosthetic tooth that's fused to the jaw, so it can't be removed. Implants are fitted with a tooth-shaped, tooth-colored crown on top. Dental implants are designed to fit easily into the hole or gap in your mouth, to ensure that other teeth don't shift around your dental implant. Who Needs Implants? You can benefit from dental implants if you have a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, and if you have sufficient jaw bone to hold the implant in place. Patients who have suffered bone loss due to periodontal disease sometimes need to have a bone g